BBB Of Central MA presents:
Scam Alerts

Hosted by Nancy Cahalen, CEO, Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau Serving Central and Western Massachusetts and Northeastern Connecticut is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to create an ethical, trustworthy marketplace – where buyers and sellers can trust each other.

BBB helps people find and recommend businesses and brands they can trust. At Better Business Bureau, the safety of our employees and their families are of utmost importance. We have implemented policies to respect social distancing, monitor employee health and limit in-person meetings with customers and businesses and continue to suspend all conferences, social gatherings, and in-person events.

Meetings by telephone and video conference will continue until further notice. All our services are available online. If you need additional assistance, please call or email during regular business hours.

Avoid Home Scams! Tips & BBB Mission with Alex Guardiola

Avoid Home Scams! Tips & BBB Mission with Alex Guardiola

With the Spring and Summer comes an increase in Home Improvement Scams. Alex Guardiola gives us a heads up on how the scams work and ways to protect yourself. Alex also talks about the mission of the BBB and the upcoming awards for the best in business in Western MA.


8:15 AM – Scam Alert

Nancy Cahalen with the Better Business Bureau
protects us against scams.


Nancy Cahalen Retires, Alex Guardiola Leads BBB Central NE

Nancy Cahalen Retires, Alex Guardiola Leads BBB Central NE

After 16 years, Nancy Cahalen, is retiring as the President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central New England. She has generously contributed to the Talk of the Commonwealth over the last several years with her Tuesday morning Scam Tracker segment. Keeping us updated on what scams are going on in the area. A segment incoming President and CEO Alex Guardiola says he will continue. Guardiola speaks with Hank Stolz about his new role as President of the BBB. Listening to Alex it seems as if he has spent his whole life preparing for this role. Alex is no stranger to the Radio Worcester audience having appeared on the show many times over the years in his role with the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce. Alex does spend some time talking about the latest “Workplace Imposter Scam” that is making the rounds.

Solar Eclipse Travel: Ensure Safety and Avoid Scams

Solar Eclipse Travel: Ensure Safety and Avoid Scams

BBB Tip: Don’t let solar eclipse excitement block good judgment

Many people are planning to travel to the cities in the eclipse’s path of totality to catch a glimpse of it in person.
BBB wants you to enjoy yourself while also staying safe and supporting businesses you can trust. Check out the tips below if you’re planning eclipse-related activities.

Travel tips
With a rare event like this, you can expect crowds and plenty of traffic. If you do not live in the path of the eclipse and are planning to travel, pack your patience, know that hotels will be booked, and be prepared to potentially pay higher prices. Always use reputable vacation rental companies, and be sure you’re visiting a legitimate website. For more travel tips, visit

2023 Tax Alert: Beware of Ghost Preparers – BBB Warns

2023 Tax Alert: Beware of Ghost Preparers – BBB Warns

Photo- Adobe Stock Images
The deadline to file your 2023 tax return is less than a month away and tax schemes are reaching their peak!
The Better Business Bureau has a warning about dishonest tax preparers, called Ghost Tax Preparers, who may hide behind your signature. These ghost tax preparers will actually prepare the tax return. However, when it’s submitted to the IRS, they will ask the taxpayer to sign their own return – making it look like it was self-filed.


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Summit Street (Behind Polar Park)
Worcester, MA 01610.