Worcester Police Chief Discusses Equity Audit Improvements

Interim Worcester Police Chief Paul Saucier
Photo: Radio Worcester

Interim Worcester Police Chief, Paul Saucier, recently spoke on Talk of the Commonwealth about the department’s equity audit. In the interview, Saucier mentioned that every agency can improve, and the WPD is no exception. One of the issues the department faces in providing information for the audit or the Human Rights Commission is the outdated equipment used to collect data. However, Saucier mentioned that the department is investing millions in upgrading the equipment to make the information and data more accessible.

When discussing discretionary arrests and citations, Saucier acknowledged that everyone has implicit biases, and it becomes problematic when those biases impact decision-making. He explained that the report showed that officers often did not issue citations or make arrests when they had discretion. However, there are some cases where the law mandates an arrest, such as in domestic violence cases, restraining order violations, and warrants.

Saucier emphasized that Worcester is a safe city and shared some of the practices that the department has already implemented and plans to implement as a response to the audit’s recommendations. You can listen to the entire conversation to learn more about these practices.Interim Worcester Police Chief, Paul Saucier, recently spoke on Talk of the Commonwealth about the department’s equity audit. In the interview, Saucier mentioned that every agency can improve, and the WPD is no exception. One of the issues the department faces in providing information for the audit or the Human Rights Commission is the outdated equipment used to collect data. However, Saucier mentioned that the department is investing millions in upgrading the equipment to make the information and data more accessible.


Mayor Joe Petty Advocates for Worcester Rental Registry

Worcester Mayor Joe Petty is for the Rental Registry. He says the City Council began to hear back from the public on this issue and have changed the fine. He says they have heard loud and clear from people who are concerned about inspectors but the Mayor points out other cities have successful rental registries and that this can be a matter of life and death. That he wants to make sure people are not taken advantage of. On the $22 million shortfall, Petty said you have to look at inflation as one of the big factors. He says the inflation factor accounts for over half of the $22 million.

Nick Lazzaro Talks Millbury Issues Post-Election Win

New Millbury Selectman Nick Lazzaro checks in with Talk of the Commonwealth to talk about his victory and what issues he wants to tackle. Lazzaro, who is a recent Holy Cross graduate, owns his own business in Millbury and says that entrepreneurship is something he wants to use to help others get their businesses started in the town. Lazzaro also lays out how he plans to help Millbury residents who are faced with increasing rent and may be priced out of the town they work and grew up in.

Synergy Talks: Worcester Workforce Forum This Thursday

Bruce Mendelsohn of MassHire/Central Region Workforce Board brings in Emily Miller, Worcester Public Schools and Dave Garvin, Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce to talk about the importance of the synergy between the three and the business community. They also fill us in on forum this Thursday, May 9th from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at One Mercantile in the B1 Conference Room. The Worcester Emerging Workforce Forum. A chance for businesses to hear how WPS based internship programs work.


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Worcester, MA 01610.